Thurrock Council – Fairness in Thurrock Overview & Scrutiny Review into Fairness in Thurrock

Thurrock Council has recently established an Overview and Scrutiny review into Fairness in Thurrock. The panel will aim to identify whether Thurrock would benefit from a fairness commission, or an alternative, to better build on the work already being undertaken in the Borough to deliver the best possible outcomes for local people – particularly those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged and who may experience discrimination, including people with protected characteristics.

In order to inform this work the panel has arranged a stakeholder workshop to seek the views of key community partners. This will be held on:

30 January 2.00pm – 3.30pm
Committee Rooms 2 and 3,
Civic Offices, New Road, Grays

This will provide an opportunity to outline the review’s work to date, and to seek input into key questions including:

  • If there was one thing you could change in Thurrock to make the Borough ‘fairer’ what would it be?
  • Do you feel people living across Thurrock have fair access to services and fair access to opportunities?
  • Are there any areas where you believe individuals living and working in Thurrock need extra support?

The panel would be pleased to receive any key strategies, programmes of work, evidence or data sets prior to the workshop that can be reflected the Panel’s final report.

To this end, Thurrock Coalition compiled a work stream report and also collated feedback via Thurrock Diversity Network, aimed at addressing the questions detailed above. The Report is available here

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