Thurrock Coalition and Healthwatch Thurrock – Care Quality in Thurrock – Consultation on the Care Quality Commission’s Proposals for a new approach to inspecting Social Care Services

Thurrock Coalition and Healthwatch Thurrock were invited by Service Managers at Thurrock Council to run several consultation events around the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) proposals for a new approach to inspecting Social Care Services. To this end, we ran 3 workshop style opportunities for people and organisations/providers to have their say and input into the consultation.  The “Care Quality in Thurrock” event was held in order engage Citizens of Thurrock, people who use services, service providers (from residential care, extra care domiciliary care and supported living settings) along with Third Sector groups in order to explore, discuss and emphasise the important factors, evidence, information and lived experience indicators that should inform any new CQC inspection criteria.

The Report and Recommendations are available here

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