“Think Autism” Strategy Workshop 26th September 2014

Think Autism is the Government’s new strategy for improving the lives of adults with autism in England, and was published on 2 April 2014. It is an update to the first Adult Autism Strategy, Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives, which was published in 2010. It is relevant to England only (the devolved administrations have their own strategies).

Think Autism does not replace the original Adult Strategy but builds on the themes and recommendations put forward by the 2010 Strategy because these remain the building blocks for creating better services and support for adults with autism

Council Officers and Commissioners at Thurrock Council recognise that the current draft Autism Strategy in Thurrock needs to be updated to reflect the changes and recommendations contained within Think Autism and to more accurately reflect the needs of people with autism and their families, to recognise issues, anxieties and questions and plan accordingly.

The workshop provided a valuable opportunity to explore the Thurrock specific issues, to identify relevant Actions and Priorities and to link these to the Think Autism Outcomes. We will also be facilitating a new User and Carer-Led Autism Monitoring Action Group to oversee progress and implementation of the Strategy.

The event report and recommendations are available here

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