Consultation on Changes to Adult Social Care Services in Thurrock

In Thurrock, Adult Social Care Service needs to save £500,000 this financial year, and more next year. The Council wants to maintain services as far as possible for the people who need them now and in the future. So it is taking action to reduce costs, and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of services.

The proposals here affect 4 main areas of social care services:

1. Day Care for older people and the Carers’ Service
2. Charges for adult social care services
3. Equipment and adaptations costing less than £50
4. The provision of Extra Care Housing

The Consultation will run from 14th September until 7th December

You can Have Your Say on the proposals by visiting the Thurrock Council Consultation Portal:

We ran an initial scoping and engagement exercise looking at the in- year savings proposals that Thurrock Council are recommending around reductions in Day Care, Extra Care, Carers’ Services and Equipment. Details of which are available here

The full Thurrock Coalition Report detailing the consultation feedback and the impact of the proposed changes is available here

An Executive Summary report is available here

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