Consultation Event on the Future of Job Centre Plus – April 2016

An event to inform the submission of evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into the future of Jobcentre Plus (JCP). Looking at:

(i) The likely effects of the planned changes on claimants, including on the quality of services offered to them and the implications in relation to digital inclusion.

(ii) The potential implications for JCP, including in relation to JCP’s capability to provide new, tailored services for particular groups of people, including people with mental health conditions.

(iii) Opportunities afforded by coordination with other local services, including the NHS and schools.

(iv) The extent to which reforms will require cultural change within JCP, and the DWP’s capability successfully to foster this change.

(v) The opportunities and challenges for JCP presented by greater devolution of employment services to regional and national governments.

The Report is available here

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