Thurrock Council made a request for Thurrock Coalition to plan, facilitate, inform and assist in the development of the Preparing for Adulthood Strategy, via a series of Engagement events and initiatives.
It was agreed that this process needs to be informed by the views of Young People, parents and carers, schools and health to ascertain what individuals want the Preparing for Adulthood service to look like, in terms of their hopes and wishes for the future and how Thurrock Council can work alongside them to achieve this.
Thurrock Coalition recognises that the experiences (past, present and future) of young individuals, parents and carers embarking on the Preparing for Adulthood process are varied and wide-ranging and we explained exactly of what it comprises to each focus group. By the end of the process:
a) Individual young people, families and their carers will have expressed and elaborated upon their views, aspirations and needs in relation to Preparing for Adulthood in terms of Good health, Employment, Independent living/housing, Family, friends/relationships and involvement in the community.
b) Individuals will have timely provision of information, advice and support they each require to attain a good life as they move into adulthood and beyond.
c) Participants will also have expressed views on the Preparing for Adulthood experience that they should expect to have and what would improve the experience further. Their views will be analysed and collated to inform the Council’s strategy in this area.
The Report, Recommendations and Findings are available here: Summary Findings Report & Recommendations (April 2018 [FINAL]