Local Accounts covering previous years in Thurrock, specifically 2016/17 identified 10 key areas of priority and achievement. The priorities were split in to 2 groups of 5 and discussed, and debated at 2 consecutive meetings (in April and May of 2017 respectively) of Thurrock Diversity Network Limited, a Community Benefit Society, consisting of over 60 individual and organisational members with an active, campaigning interest in Disability and Diversity issues, championing lived experience examples and supporting effective change and service improvement through constructive dialogue with the Local Authority.
Thurrock Diversity Network Limited (TDN) ran workshops in April and May 2017 looking at the Local Account 2016/2017. TDN gathered questions and queries and suggestions on the 10 Priorities and sent them to the Senior staff in Thurrock Council Adult Social Care.
The Council analysed the feedback and compiled a response at the Disability Partnership Board in September 2017 with some formal recommendations and suggestions to improve future Local Accounts
Thurrock Diversity Network Limited forwarded a number of key questions and suggestions to the Co-Chairs of the Thurrock Disability Partnership Board, including the Assistant Director of Adults and Community Development, the identified issues were addressed and responded to at the September 2017 meeting of the Thurrock Disability Partnership Board.
3 Recommendations for future Local Accounts were then made by the Disability Partnership Board, namely:
i) To Co-produce any future Local Account for Thurrock, in partnership with individuals, family members and carers with lived experience of local services, third sector and other interested parties.
ii) To move from a 12-month cycle to 24 months to allow time for reflection, change and progress to be more effectively measured, built upon and celebrated.
iii) For Local Account workshops to be facilitated by an external third party in collaboration with Thurrock Coalition.
The Local Authority also agreed that Future Local Accounts will:
• Be focussed on what service users and members of the public want to see in it
• Provide links to relevant websites where further information about projects can be sought.
• Provide more examples of successes and outcomes achieved.
• Be honest in what has gone wrong and what needs to be improved.
The Workshops – at a glance
The Workshops were facilitated by Community Catalysts CIC with operational and content support from Thurrock Coalition. There were 3 separate workshops, each lasting approximately 3 hours, each aimed at a specific audience, a mix of individuals, family members, carers, Adult Social Care and third sector professionals.
The Report & Recommendations for Local Accounts in Thurrock following the workshops can be found here